Victorian gaming venue staff must complete approved Responsible Service of Gaming (RSG) training.
RSG training provides gaming staff information and skills so they can provide gaming responsibly.
Training requirements for new gaming staff
You must complete two modules:
- Module 1 - this module involves 2-3 hours learning online and must be completed within one month of starting work in a gaming venue. You can complete the module before starting work if you choose.
- Module 2 - this module is delivered via video-conferencing or in gaming venues within six months of starting work in a gaming venue. We recommend that you complete this module after you’ve started your employment.
You do not need to:
- complete training before beginning work or as a condition of securing a new job
- pay for the training. It is provided free of charge.
RSG refresher training
Responsible service of gaming refresher training must be completed every three years.
You must complete two modules:
- Module 3 –refresher online module (2-3 hours learning online)
- Module 4 – the refresher face-to-face module (delivered via video-conferencing, or in gaming venues).
You do not need to pay for the training. It is provided free of charge.
You must complete Module 3 and Module 4 within three years of the date on which you completed Module 2.
After completing Module 3 and Module 4 the first time, you must complete them every three years thereafter from the date on which you last completed Module 4.
You must complete Module 4 within 3 months of completing Module 3.
After completing Module 3 the second (or subsequent) time, please contact the RSG Training Helpline on 1300 300 635 to request that the date of completion on your Module 3 certificate be updated.
Your RSG training account
Your account is the place where you can manage your RSG training records and get certificates for all completed training.
To set up your personal RSG training account:
- click this link to create a new account
- supply an email address that cannot be used by any other person for training
- set up a username and password.
If you forget your RSG training account password, you can follow the links to reset your password. An email will be sent to your registered email address with a link to reset your password.
If you no longer have access to the email address you used to register your RSG training account, please email rsgonlinehelp@justice.vic.gov.au.
How to complete RSG courses
Online modules
Once you have set up your account, you can access the online training modules via your account. It is recommended that you access the online modules on a desk-top or laptop computer and not on a mobile phone or tablet. The modules are best accessed through Google Chrome and you should make sure that cookies, pop-ups and Javascript are all enabled.
Face-to-face modules
Module 2 and Module 4 training is conducted face-to-face via video-conferencing, and in gaming venues. Sessions for face-to-face modules (Module 2 and Module 4) are organised by venue operators and are provided free of charge.
For RSG refresher training, you must complete Module 4 within three months of completing Module 3, the online module. We recommend that you schedule your Module 4 session before completing Module 3 online.
We recommend that you:
- complete the online module before the face-to-face training
- provide a copy of your online module certificate of completion to the Venue Support Worker.
RSG certificates
For copies of certificates for all completed RSG training modules, log into your RSG training account.
After completing a face-to-face training module, you will need to log into your account to generate your certificate of completion for the face-to-face training module.
Trouble logging into your account
You need to enter your username and your password to log into your account.
If you are having trouble remembering your username or your password, simply click the link ‘forgotten your user name or password’. You then enter your email address (or username if you remember it) and click ‘search’.
You will then receive an email containing details of your username and instructions for how to reset your password.
Trouble accessing the online training modules
If you are having problems accessing the online training modules, this may be caused by your computer or operating system.
The online training modules are best accessed via Google Chrome on a computer. It is recommended that you do not complete the online training modules using a mobile phone or tablet.
The recommended technical requirements to use the system are:
- Operating system
- Windows 7, 10
- Mac OSX Sierra
- Internet browsers
- Google Chrome version 30+
- Firefox version 25+
- Safari 6+
Add-ons and toolbars can affect any browser's performance.
Please ensure that cookies, pop-ups (in both Internet browser and security software) and Javascript are enabled.