Module 1 and Module 3 are broken into learning topics followed by short assessment. Learners must complete the topic in full before unlocking the associated topic assessment.
Each topic includes an assessment. You must pass each assessment to successfully complete the module. If you don't pass an assessment, you can re-attempt the assessment or review that topic again prior to re-attempting the assessment.
The Next button takes you to the next page of the topic. On the last page of each topic you will see a Start Assessment button . This button will allow you to attempt the assessment for the topic.
The Back button takes you to the previous page of the topic.
On the left hand side of the module you can view the Module Menu. The Module Menu can be closed by selecting the button (Close course index) in the top left. The Module Menu can be opened by selecting the button (Open course index) in the top left.
On the right hand side of the module you can view the Lesson Menu. The Lesson Menu can be closed by selecting the button (Close block drawer) in the top right. The Lesson Menu can be opened by selecting the button (Open block drawer) in the top right.
The Lesson Progress Indicator is displayed at the bottom of every topic page and indicates how far you are through the topic as a percentage value.
You have completed 75% of the lesson
The Resources button launches the resources screen. You can find links to websites and additional information on the course content.
The Glossary button launches the glossary screen with contain terms used within the course.
The Help button displays this Help screen, which provides you with information about how to use this online course.
Information and assistance
Information and assistance about Responsible Service of Gaming training in Victoria is provided in the document below. If your issue is not covered, please contact the RSG training helpline on 1300 300 635or send an email to
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You may access and update your details in this Learning Management System.